113學年度下學期-實驗室安全衛生教育訓練研習/2025 Laboratory Safety and Health Training Course



The training course inlcudes online lecture via CMU's Moodle system, followed by in-person fire drill and written exam.


實體測驗時間地點/Test time and place(教室地點於2/21公告在moodle及環安室網頁/Location to be announced in 2/21 on moodle and ESH website):

水湳場(Headquarters)-3/7 12:00-13:00

英才場(Yingcai campus)-3/14 12:00-13:00


上課時間/Time of Course:2/10-2/21


測驗通過後, 證書發放方式-校內學生(轉交系辦發放)、教職員及助理(環安室領取)、附醫同仁(轉交附醫職安室)。

After passing the test to receive the certificate:Students should go to the department office,

and other personnel should go to the Environmental Safety Office of the main campus to receive the certificate.


如有畢業門檻需求者,務必於報名資料內填妥"學號" ,未提供者將無法提供抵免。

If there is a graduation threshold requirement, be sure to fill in the "student number" in the registration information. If you do not provide it, the credit will not be provided.


This online course is only available to those who have a portal account or affiliated medical officer code. Those who do not have an account should take physical courses in the first semester of 2025.





英文課程請按此報名連結(English version sign up)

Registration for English courses has ended

